
How Subliminal Therapy and Morning Sickness Are Related

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morning-sicknessThis article proposes that morning sickness is the consequence of subconscious rejection of awareness of pregnancy.  It is a subconscious attempt by the mind to eliminate that subconsciously undesired reality. 

The nausea and vomiting of morning sickness can be prompted by the person’s mind; it is not necessarily caused physically.  The smooth muscles of the GI tract, i.e., the muscles that mediate the vomiting, are not self-controlled; they are controlled at a subconscious level of the mind, at a highly sophisticated level of intelligence.

If we ingest a poison, our minds detect it and a reaction to eliminate it is instigated – all without conscious involvement.  We are consciously aware of the reaction produced (the vomiting), but we do not consciously make it happen.  In the same way, if we are the presence of another person who is vomiting, especially if we are able to smell the affluent, we experience the same urge to vacate, to eliminate the cause of the distress, by vomiting.  We usually think of vomiting as a physical reaction that does not involve thinking in any way, but it does; the thinking takes place subconsciously.  The following story demonstrates the exceeding power of the mind to directly affect physical processes.

In 1950, Stewart Wolfe, M.D, then a leading authority in the field of pharmacology, conducted research on the effect of mental      influence on the person’s physical reaction to three medications.  His published paper on the results, Effects of Suggestion and Conditioning on the Action of Chemical Agents in Human Subjects: The Pharmacology of Placebos, became a classic reference that impressively demonstrates the power of the mind to control the body’s reaction to medication.

One of the medications he studied was Ipecac.  Ipecac is the medication used in emergency rooms to induce vomiting (for example, to expel ingested poison).  When Ipecac is taken, the reaction of vomiting is immediate and it is intense; virtually nothing is left behind.  Yet, Dr. Wolfe was able to use Ipecac as a soothing agent by offering suggestions for the soothing effect at the time he gave the medication to the subjects of the study!

When a woman first learns that she is pregnant, many thoughts must occur.  Hopefully, most thoughts will be of joy and positive expectation, yet some are likely to be about other things that might happen, a physical defect, fear of pain during delivery, fear of morning sickness, of financial burdens or many other possible, unfortunate things.  There may then be subconscious reaction to such regrettable yet unavoidable thoughts, a reaction to eliminate the cause of the distress, by vomiting.

During the course of almost 40 years of using and developing Subliminal Therapy, Dr. Yager has successfully treated morning sickness in many cases.  In each case the process involved identifying the subconscious cause of the nausea and resolving that influence.

Treating Pain with Subliminal Therapy

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Albert Schweitzer once called pain “a more terrible lord of mankind than even death itself.”
Even so, pain is essential to life; we simply could not live without it. We would behave in self-destructive ways without being aware that we were doing so. Yet, pain can also be dysfunctional, inhibiting awareness of life’s values and meaning.

Pain is the mind’s way of getting attention. It is a protective mechanism, regardless of the cause of the pain. Moreover, the purpose is rarely recognized consciously. In addition, once established as a pattern, the pain response can persist long after the original purpose ceases to have meaning. In this situation, the pain is maintained unconsciously for reasons that were real and valid in the past —when the pain began—but are no longer real or valid in current life. When the person recognizes that the pain no longer has valid purpose, doing so both consciously and subconsciously, relief becomes possible. Subliminal Therapy works to identify its subconscious, psychological cause, thereby to resolve it.

Subliminal Therapy and Depression



During recent decades, depression has been considered as an organic problem, calling for organic solutions (medicine) to correct the problem. A great deal of research in recent years has raised serious question about that conclusion. Turns out that psychotherapy is equally as effective as medication. Turns out also that placebo effects are equally effective! Placebo is a word that refers to an effect that is not known, an effect that has not been identified. It is an inadequate explanation for the unknown.

Treatment of depression is shifting away from the exclusive use of medication to a combination of meds and psychotherapy. There is also a shift toward psychotherapy alone as the treatment of choice, a trend that is accelerated by the unfortunate side effects of most medications. Placebos remain present, active and unidentified.

Subliminal Therapy is highly effective in treating depression, 83% as shown by recent research, a far higher number than is experienced with other treatments. Subliminal Therapy assumes that psychotherapy offers the best explanation treatment and works to identify its psychological cause, thereby to resolve it.

Subliminal Therapy and Addictions

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Most of us find ourselves doing things that seem foolish even to us, and that we will do again anyway.  Things like frequently using an unfortunate word, popping our knuckles, or driving too fast.  We would not usually think of such things as addictions but they seem to fit that description.  Getting into more serious problems, we might also smoke cigarettes, have a gambling problem, become addicted to a street drug, or even to another person.

Yet, what about addictions to heroin and meth?  Is there a psychological basis for these addictions too, a force that is not chemical in nature?

Whether the addiction is to a chemical or to something that is not chemical, the actual roots of addiction, the force that propels the behavior over time, turns out to be the psychological force that is present.  If the chemical is not resupplied, our bodies will metabolize the chemicals over time.  Tobacco smoke, for example, is metabolized in about a week, while many months may be required to metabolize heroin.  The force that remains, the force that propels further use of the chemical, even after the body has metabolized the agents in the body, is a psychological force.

Subliminal Therapy is a uniquely effective way to identify and resolve those psychological forces.

Stop Chronic Pain In Its Tracks

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chronic pain (Picture via Critical Science)

Turns out a lot of chronic pain is caused by psychological forces – emotion, stress and imagination as examples – rather than by physical stimulation of nerves.  When pain originates or is maintained by such forces, it is not often consciously recognized that it is happening in this way; the pain is perceived by the person as being caused physically.

Of course, there can be situations in which an on-going, physical stimulus causes pain; however, most commonly the actual cause of pain is from muscle spasms that are reacting to “something” outside of conscious control, causing the pain to continue.  That something could be a physical stimulus via nerves, or it could be a stimulus that originates in the mind of the sufferer – perhaps as a way to satisfy an unconscious need such as getting attention, or maybe just because the person learned to expect it to be this way.

Subliminal Therapy is a uniquely effective way to determine if the pain has psychological roots, and in the event the pain has such roots, Subliminal Therapy is also a uniquely effective way to resolve them.  When the cause has been resolved, pain ceases to exist.


What is Subliminal Therapy Used to Treat?

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No Pain

Subliminal Therapy is a highly efficient, practical psychotherapeutic technique that utilizes the patient’s subconscious abilities to identify the cause of the symptoms, and then guides those abilities to resolve the influences responsible for the problem; resolve the cause and the pain can then be relieved.

We will continue to use pain as an example of the disorders Subliminal Therapy can rapidly, thoroughly treat: Pain is about perception, and perception can be modified. Chronic pain always has a subconscious purpose in addition to a conscious experience. With the use of Subliminal Therapy, a significant number of our patients have succeeded in relieving severe, chronic pain that no other treatment, including medication, has been able to effectively treat.

“Pain is the mind’s way of getting attention. It is a protective mechanism, and regardless of the cause of the pain, the purpose is rarely recognized consciously. In addition, once established as a pattern, the pain response can persist long after the original purpose ceases to have meaning. When both the conscious and the subconscious domains recognize that the pain no longer has a valid purpose, direct hypnotic suggestions can take root and the sufferer can experience relief.”  (Yager, E.K. (2011) Subliminal Therapy: Utilizing the Unconscious Mind. Bethel, CT: Crown House Publishing Company LLC.)

But, pain is not the only thing Subliminal Therapy can treat. Subliminal Therapy is effective in treating the following:

Problems Treated by ST

Are you or someone you know tired of living in pain or any of the above maladies? Have they tried everything else but haven’t found relief?  Then maybe it’s time to try Subliminal Therapy.  Contact us today at (858) 272-2748 or email us at info@stii.us.

Psychology, behavioral medicine & primary care: A ‘staggering need’ for integration

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The Socially Responsible Practitioner

Neil Bockian, Ph.D., is a Professor in the Adler School’s Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.) program in Chicago, and directs its concentration in primary care and behavioral medicine psychology. He is a practicing clinical psychologist, with extensive expertise in treating patients with medical problems such as chronic pain, spinal cord injury, cancer, multiple sclerosis, and other conditions.

Behavioral medicine and primary care psychology constitute the fastest-growing areas in clinical psychology.  Although overlapping in practice, behavioral medicine is the use of behavioral and psychological interventions to ameliorate disease—while primary care psychology is the integration of psychologists into medical settings in order to provide more timely, accessible mental health care to the general population. 

The Adler School concentration provides training in both, because the need to better integrate psychologists into the healthcare arena is highly evident.  With healthcare costs spiraling out of control, our society is desperately seeking ways to reduce the burden. …

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What Is Subliminal Therapy?

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Dr Yager book

Subliminal Therapy is a technique whereby hypnotic phenomena can be used for therapeutic purposes without the need for formal trance induction and can be used on its own or with other treatment.

Many problems have no obvious medical or physiological explanation.  It is as though some part of the person’s mind, an unconscious part, is actively controlling things, causing the undesired malady, behavior, or experience.

If this is true and if that part of the person’s mind was formed in the course of their life experience (the process of conditioning), then it should be possible to change that response by re-conditioning.  For example, a person may continue to smoke, although they are desperate to quit.  Behaviors, habits, beliefs, and experiences commonly can defy our ability to control them by conscious volition. Yet, people are sometimes successful in changing in desired ways. They may stop smoking, eliminate a phobia or change a strongly held feeling.  They accomplish such changes by altering subconscious conditioning – by relearning, in a new and productive ways, what was learned at some former time in a way that is now dysfunctional.

Subliminal Therapy is an efficient and effective technique to use to accomplish re-conditioning.  It enables the patient to understand the cause of the problem from the perspective of the present, with more mature knowledge on the part of the individual.  Resolve the cause and the pain or problem can then be resolved.

In using Subliminal Therapy, you will accomplish your goal (elimination of psychological and psychogenic problems) by “re-educating” your unconscious mind and enlisting your higher consciousness.  The process through which you will be guided by your therapist is intended to achieve the change you seek by that re-education.   Conscious opinions and/or desires have not thus far brought about the changes you want and they are not apt to do so in the future. Your unconscious mind must be persuaded to agree with your conscious viewpoint if you are to change.

Subliminal Therapy is a way to make desired changes quickly and effectively. If you’re struggling with pain, addictions, or behavior issues, we can help!  Contact us today using the capacities you already possess!  Phone: (858) 272-2748 Email: subtherapyinst@gmail.com  or through our Website: http://stii.us/

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Subliminal Therapy is psychodynamic-based & involves guiding the patient to employ his or her own mental abilities to identify the actual cause of the problem being addressed, thereby resolving it.  These mental abilities are universal to everyone, but commonly unrecognized & underutilized.  Because the therapy addresses the cause of the problem, not the symptoms of the problem, the therapy is both efficient and effective, and faster than traditional therapy. Most patients find relief in three to six sessions. Dr. Edwin Yager has been formally researching the effectiveness of Subliminal Therapy since 2008. Since data collection began, an average 83% of patients reported improvement from their problems within three to six treatments. More results can be found here: http://stii.us/results.html

Dr. Yager has conducted formal training in the technique under the auspices of the UCSD School of Medicine, the American Society of Hypnosis, the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis and the San Diego Psychological Association.